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CASE: Intrapreneurship at Pöyry Plc.
July 3, 2019

Creating an Intrapreneurial Culture in International Consulting

Hult International Business School Professor and LEADX3M's President Dr. Henrik Totterman and President and CEO Martin à Porta launched on July 1st the amazing Pöyry Plc. turnaround case in Henrik's Harvard University Summer Strategic Management course. According to Henrik,"Martin is a natural talent in front of the class, who shows amazing leadership skills when it comes to getting people to embrace and execute strategic thinking". As always, Together We Can!

As a sugar coating to a brilliant day, they also had a great chat with #change #management guru Dr. John Kotter, Chairman of Kotter International and the author of multiple books in the field, like Our Iceberg Is Melting.

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#intrapreneurship, #creactiveleaders, #business, #transformation, #renewal