Informal Mentoring

Have you thought about bringing

meaning to life by helping others?

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Listen to our latest report capturing experiences from being an informal mentor and mentee, and why such relationships can be immensely impactful for both parties. As always, Together We CreAct!


Hi this is is Henrik Totterman, thanks for listening to Radio LeadX3M. I will speak today about informal mentoring and the importance of networks both for competence and professional development.

I have been blessed over the years with several informal mentors, which I have been able to lean on when building an international career.

Most of these relationships have continued for years. Usually these were formed based on a mutual willingness to share common industry and regional business updates, or to ask for leadership advice over a social lunch or an evening snack.

I regret to tell that recently I said my last farewell to one of my longterm mentors. I am forever thankful for his advice and caring support, actually ever since 2010 when I first arrived in Boston. My mentor got to live a long and remarkable life, and he devoted the last years of his career to executive boards, and his passion to develop international leadership capabilities.

The strength in informal mentorship roles derives from a genuinely shared value base or at least a common point of interest. One of the weaknesses is the emotional nature, which may result in unrealistic expectations on either side of the relation.

Thats why its important to have a clear role division between the mentor and the mentee, without playing down the need for interaction, even if one party is foremost listening and offering advise to the other.

Consequently, I recommend that you consider who in your broader network could best support your professional growth as a leader. Remember also to define clear objectives, for instance: develop a talent, learn a process, or seek advice to become a better delegator. 

Hereby, I wrap up my report from Boston, honoring the memory of my late mentor. At the same time, I am thankful for the ongoing strong support and inspiration received from my mentor network. Finally I encourage you to build a mentor network, and engage as a mentor whenever the opportunity emerges.