Listen to our latest report capturing insights from disrupting business models for an executive client at the legendary Cooper Union, together with dedicated Hult International Business School graduate students and alumni.
Hi this is Henrik Totterman. Thanks for listening to Radio LeadX3M. Greetings from legendary Cooper Union for the Advancement of Sciences and Art, who is hosting the Hult International Business School Nex York City summer rotation center since many years.
I am lecturing here an executive style course on disruptive business models to graduate students and alumni.
At the beginning of the course participants accepted the challenge to disrupt the mobile enterprise technology market, by preparing and presenting disruptive business models to our executive client, who represents one of the worlds largest electronics manufacturers.
Cooper Union is actually an optimal place to tackle such a large scale challenge. Since, as you may know, the institution is particularly famous for its high class arts, design and engineering related education.
In order to better understand the uniqueness of Cooper Union, lets briefly return to year 1830 when the extremely successful industrialist Peter Cooper became inspired by the French college system.
He decided to found a similar college offering tuition free education in the United States, as the response to many of the industrial and educational challenges of the time.
Mr. Peter Cooper originated from modest condition, and was purely self-made when it came to his business success. As a consequence, he saw it natural to create an educational institution that would purely select students based on their academic merits and potential, ignoring raise, wealth, or connections. The school alumni contains many famous and impactful persons, and also a certain Mr. Abraham Lincoln held one of his most significant speeches at the Cooper Union in 1860.
During the course 30 participants form over 20 different countries, who represent a wide array of industries, are producing 6 unique business models for our electronics manufacturing client. The concepts relate to the restaurant business, healthcare, education, avionics, and retail automation.
In addition to our client executive, the process is supported by a dedicated Vice President from the company Tigerspike. Their presence is important to ensure the proposed business models and service solutions are turned from concepts into digital products.
As a conclusion, based on this course participants learn about the importance of creativity, diversity and inclusion for business success, much in line with the values of Cooper Union. They also learn new methods and tools relevant for their careers and employers, in order to steer business transformation and capture opportunities for success in the process.
This is an incredible experience, and its a true honor to teach at such a prestigious institution.
Remember to be part of the disruption, greetings from Manhattan.